Back-To-School Fuel

After a nice, restful summer, it’s time to get back into the swing of school for another year. Keeping your (and your child’s) energy level up during throughout the day can be a challenge, especially when you are adjusting back to a full schedule.

Here is a list of healthy foods that will give you energy, keep you full and keep you alert all day.

  • Oatmeal. Oatmeal makes a great breakfast or afternoon snack. It’s a great source of iron and fiber, which will help keep hunger away and move waste through the body. Stay away from the flavored varieties which contain a lot of added sugar, though; the more unrefined, the more fiber the oatmeal contains.
  • Almonds. Almonds are a super nut! They contain monounsaturated fats that will provide you with essential fatty acids (omega-3s and omega-6s) that will help keep you alert throughout the day. They also help slow the absorption of glucose and aid in heart health, diabetes and weight management. Snack packs with almonds are a delicious way to get that protein boost in!
  • Fruit. Fruit is nature’s candy, and for those with a sweet tooth and strong cravings, fruit is a better and healthier option for a snack. Fruit provides you with a source of fiber, vitamins and minerals as well.
  • Vegetables and Hummus. Some vegetables are best when eaten raw, such as carrots and celery, and zucchini, and are packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber.  For those that need more flavor, try eating your vegetables with hummus. The chickpeas in hummus are high in plant-based protein and fiber to help make you feel full, improve digestion and even aid in heart health.

Whenever that snack attack hits, do yourself a favor and make eating healthy food a priority and see how much your energy and attention span improves!

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