Run for Fun

Some people love to run, others not so much. However, running has a multitude of great health benefits, including the ability to make you happier! Runners high is a real thing; it’s the rush of happy hormones (endorphins, serotonin, dopamine) you get from exercising. Not sold? Why not try a fun run, like the Color Run, the Blacklight Run, Warrior Dash, 5K Foam Fest, Turkey Trot or the Rock N Roll Run? Many of these themed runs aren’t necessarily for running. Some participants walk or even dance around the course!

Running can be a fun new way to work out, and have some cool benefits, such as:

  • It’s something you can do anywhere. You can run indoors on a treadmill or run outdoors through your neighborhood or at a local park.
  • Anyone can do it, kids and adults. Plus, you can go at your own pace. Go fast or slow, it’s good to just go.
  • It’s good for your heart. Running contributes to lower blood pressure and a lower risk for cardiovascular disease.
  • Have asthma and think you can’t run? Think again. The more you run and learn to properly breathe while doing it, the stronger your lungs will become over time.
  • You’ll sleep better. A good workout, particularly a cardiovascular one like running, will use a lot of energy and the best way to replenish is with rest.
  • You can make a difference. There are a lot of runs for charity, so if there’s a cause you care about, you can donate by participating. Some runs even allow participants to create a team that accepts sponsors/donations.
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