Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals

We’re probably all familiar with the saying, “A new year, a new you!” January is typically when we start to set new goals for ourselves, yet many times we set goals that might not be achievable. Whether it is a fitness goal, a mental health goal or another type of goal, a good thing to remember is to make sure they are all S.M.A.R.T. goals.

Specific. Setting a specific goal will help you maintain the focus and drive needed to complete your goal. Try asking yourself, “What do I want to accomplish and why is this goal important?”

Measurable. Your goal needs to be measurable. This will help maintain deadlines and create a sense of accomplishment throughout each milestone. Ask yourself, “How will I know how far I have come in accomplishing my goal?”

Attainable. You want to make sure that the goals you set for yourself are attainable. Make sure you are realistic in your goal setting and that you realize your resources.

Rewarding. What are you getting out of achieving this goal? It’s important to set goals that matter to you and that are worth the time and energy they will require.

Timely. You want to make sure you can keep track of where you are in achieving the goal you set for yourself. It’s also important to plan ahead, such as asking yourself when you want to be halfway through your goal.

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