Fall for Apples

Whitsons’ Chef Sandmann takes us on a culinary adventure with this month’s Harvest of the Month, featuring a Baked Apple French Toast.

Did you know that October is National Apple Month? With over 100 varieties of apples in the U.S. alone, it’s no wonder they are featured as a fall favorite in so many recipes. They are loaded with nutrients, such as vitamin C, fiber and potassium. Not only that, but apples are also good for your teeth, heart, and maintaining low blood sugar, so they are the perfect treat to grab on the go. Want the taste of a classic apple pie without all of the calories? Give this alternative smoothie recipe a try!

RECIPE: Warm Apple Pie Smoothie
YIELD: 1 serving

1 red apple
1 Tbsp. rolled oats
¼ tsp. cinnamon
¼ tsp. nutmeg
½ Tbsp. maple syrup
1 cup milk (of your choice)
¼ cup water

Cut apple into small chunks and add water, apple, cinnamon and nutmeg to a small saucepan. Stir on medium high heat for about 6 minutes. Transfer apple mixture to blender, add oats, syrup and milk and blend until smooth. Enjoy in your favorite mug with a cinnamon stick for garnish.

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