Staying Healthy During Summer Travel

During the warm summer months, it’s not uncommon for families to take those long overdue vacations. When planning your family’s warm-weather excursion, it’s important to take extra care to stay well.

Whether visiting with relatives out-of-state or venturing off on that long-awaited tropical vacation, follow these tips to stay healthy on-the-go:

  • Check in with your family’s doctor. If your family is traveling long distances (either in the country or abroad), it’s a good idea to schedule a medical check-up four to six weeks before your vacation. Prepare for the visit ahead of time with a list of questions covering a range of common travel-related concerns, including motion sickness, altitude sickness and jet lag.
  • Pack the medical essentials. Prepare a travel kit, including all prescription medications with enough, or preferably more, of everything you’ll need for the entire duration of the trip. To be on the safe side, pack medicines for allergies, colds, coughs, rashes, fever and pain. Keep all relevant phone numbers, as well as copies of all prescriptions, immunizations records and a detailed medical history for each child, in a safe and secure place.
  • Don’t overdo it. A run-down body is more susceptible to the all-too-common cold than a healthy body is. That’s why it’s important to listen to your body’s needs right from the start. On long car rides and flights, encourage your kids to give their arms and legs a gentle stretch every hour or so, and pack plenty of water to avoid dehydration.
  • Bring antibacterial wipes and sanitizers along for the ride. Wherever you go, keep your environment as clean as possible. Use antibacterial wipes to clean your hotel room (think: doorknobs, light switches, remote controls) and areas where you’ll be dining and traveling often. Though handwashing is the most trusted and effective way to combat sickness and other icky germs, antibacterial hand sanitizers (containing at least 60% alcohol) are your family’s second-best bet when warm water and soap aren’t readily available.

Keep these few tips in mind as you get ready to enjoy some family time!

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