It’s Bananas!

Bananas are low in calories and have no fat, sodium, or cholesterol. They contain vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and vitamin B6. Research shows that eating bananas may lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes, as well as decrease the risk of getting some cancers. Enjoy a well-balanced breakfast with our recipe below!

RECIPE: Banana & Almond Butter Pancakes

1 large, very ripe banana, plus sliced bananas for serving
1/4 c. smooth almond butter
2 large eggs
Honey, for serving

In a medium bowl, mash the banana with the almond butter until smooth. Using a fork, whisk in the eggs. Heat a nonstick skillet over medium-low heat. Add a spoonful of the batter (about 2 tablespoons each) to the skillet and cook until bubbles begin to burst around the edges and in the center, 2 to 3 minutes. Flip and cook 1 minute more, making sure the underside is golden brown. Transfer to a baking sheet, cover loosely with foil and keep warm in a low oven. Repeat with the remaining batter. (If your pancakes stick, wipe the skillet with 1 teaspoon canola oil before cooking the next batch.) Serve with honey, if desired.

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