Living our Mission of Enhancing Life One Meal at a Time through the Farmers to Families Food Box Program

Whitsons applauds the USDA in their efforts of providing food for people in need through the Farmers to Families Food Box (FFFB) program. During this unprecedented and challenging time in our country, our hearts go out to everyone who is struggling with food insecurity.

Whitsons’ team has stepped up to do our part in combating food insecurity by producing and delivering high quality fresh food boxes for communities in need through round four of the FFFB program. Within eight weeks, we provided over 33 million pounds of food, shipped out over 1,650 truckloads of meals and traveled over 100,000 miles to help feed 1.1 million families in the northeast.

Our teams have tried to reach as many people as possible during the past round, and we are hopeful that we can expand our reach in future rounds to continue providing nutritious food to additional communities. Within those eight weeks, we had an overwhelming show of appreciation from our non-profit network, who we have been honored to work with in providing much needed support to communities during this particular round of the FFFB program. We are proud of what we have been able to accomplish together in a short time.

What Our Non-profit Partners Are Saying 

By partnering with Whitsons, we were able to feed thousands of needy families through the Chelsea Collaborative Food pantry. They have been very dependable with service, and their food boxes have been of superior quality. – Roy Avellaneda, City Council President, Chelsea, MA

You have to know that you made a difference to many, many thousands of people this year. – Maria Campos Harlow, Executive Director and Diana Reilly, Associate Director, United Way of Meriden and Wallingford, CT

I wanted to take a moment and thank you and your crew for all the effort you have put into the USDA program. We have received many trucks during this program and yours are by far the BEST!! – Lori Turco, Food Pantry Director, Walnut Hill Community Church, Bethel, CT

It’s through donations from partners like Whitsons, in collaboration with the USDA, that we were able to continue to operate our existing programs and provide the much-needed drive-thru distribution at Rentschler Field in East Hartford. We know that your donations of fruit, produce, dairy and meat were critical for our neighbors in need, and also very much enjoyed by the families with children that we serve. As we continue to respond to food insecurity during this pandemic and beyond, we feel incredibly lucky to have partners like you working alongside us. – Dom Piccini, Logistics Manager Foodshare – Rentschler Field, East Hartford, CT

I wanted you to know how grateful we are for the food delivery and for your partnership with Good Shepherd. There is such a need in the communities that were serve and we are so happy that this distribution was made just in time for the upcoming holiday. – Erika Brandt, Director of Real Estate and Operations at Good Shepherd Services, New York, NY

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